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C. P. Lesley

Bookworm, writer, radio host—I blog about history, fiction, and publishing in the Internet Age. You can find the full blog on my website. This space is for books.

Behind Closed Doors - J.J. Marsh

JJ Marsh mentions on her website and elsewhere that her agent couldn't sell this book to a commercial publisher because it was "too cerebral." I don't know: a smart, technologically sophisticated mystery set in Zürich and most of the surrounding countries and featuring a bipolar detective and quite a few surprises appealed to me. I'll definitely be reading more about Beatrice Stubbs.


Industrial fat cats are dying all over Europe at the rate of one per year, each implicated in some kind of unethical behavior, each eliminated in a manner curiously appropriate to his offense and under circumstances that point to suicide. They seem to have little in common. Beatrice Stubbs of Scotland Yard, appointed to lead an international team, fights to solve the case before Interpol loses patience with her. But first she has to convince her team to follow her lead....


I received a free copy of this book for my unbiased review.